Performance Art
“Emoticon #13 (Sleepy)” by Bryant Rousseau (9” x 6” black-and-white photo)
Art as act. Acting as arting.
In his Emoticons series, Rousseau documents his lifelong struggle to properly read and render human emotions, his efforts more fakir than feeler.
“Emoticon #17 (Psyched)” by Bryant Rousseau (9” x 6” photo)
“Some of My Best Friends Are Artists” by Bryant Rousseau and artificial intelligence
Want to impress your friends, family, colleagues, bosses or potential romantic/business partners with your cutting-edge cultural credentials? Hire an actual artist, Rousseau, to act as your best buddy, joining you at your restaurant table, bar outing, gallery/museum visit or at any other public or corporate venue, agreed to by him.
The artist is amenable to sketching out a rough script in advance to make sure the experience covers desired talking points, behaviors and scenarios. Please don’t touch the artist. But you may feed him and ply him with drink. The friendship lasts a minimum of one hour and a maximum of four.
Wealthy Workers Party
“Wealthy Workers Party #8” by Bryant (and Byrant) Rousseau (6” x 9” black-and-white photograph). Copyright symbols are digital watermarks only; they do NOT appear in the actual artwork.
The artist’s deranged twin brother, Byrant, long since disappeared, endeavored to build a new political party many years ago. His efforts failed miserably — phew! — but to honor his, er…., eccentricity, the artist offers here samples of the political posters his brother printed and pasted around Manhattan to foment his class revolution. For those who wish to express their indignation over — and to interact with — the depraved messages, the artist conveniently includes 3 darts with each purchased print. Prick your target.
“Wealthy Workers Party #11” by Bryant (and Byrant) Rousseau (6” x 9” black-and-white photograph). Copyright symbols are digital watermarks only; they do NOT appear in the actual artwork.
“The Art of Conversation” by Bryant Rousseau and artificial intelligence
In The Art of Conversation performance series, have free-wheeling, 15-minute phone conversation with the artist on any topic.